Sound Memoir Proposal

There aren't many different things in my life that I would find interesting, but one thing that I consider to be routine and could make for an interesting project subject would be my life at church. There are many different ways I could record this part of my life. My beginning would probably be an introduction to the commute it takes me to get to church. I could easily record on my phone the drive from either my home or campus to church. I could record this drive on either Tuesday, Friday or Sunday. All of these days I go to church and depending on how much noise there is in the car I will have to pick from those different times. Tuesday will probably be the best time to record as I drive a lot more people on Tuesday which could make for an interesting setting. The second setting I was thinking of using was the moments that lead up to the praise and actual servise. Usually there are a lot of people who come early, myself included, in order to meet up with people we haven't seen in a while. It all makes for an interesting time and I'm sure that I can find a lot of use for it. The third setting I was going to use was an actual sermon that the pastor would be speaking at. I don't know how much of this I will include because it seems a little tedious especially if the person reading it doesn't have much of experience with  the church. My final setting will be the time of fellowship that we always have after the sermon. Depending on the day, it can differ from day to day and can include many different settings that maybe able to be incorperated into the audio file that I plan to make

Overall, I believe that this routine is one that happens almost three times a week in my life and I think that it would be an interesting topic to make for my project as I don't believe that there aren't a lot of people who go to a church like mine which mostly consists of Korean-Americans. Maybe to make the sermon a little less dull, I can grab a few recordings of the Korean service instead to make it seem a little more diverse. In anycase, I believe that this project will satisfy all the requirements of the project.

The timeline of this project will go as follows:
Feburary 6th: Get Tuesday driving recording. Get time before sermon recording. Get fellowship recording.
Feburary 9th: Get Friday driving recording. Get time before sermon recording. Get fellowship recording. Get (English) sermon recording.
Feburary 11th: Get Sunday driving recording. Get (Korean) sermon recording. 
March 26th: Due Date. Project will be turned in.

Any time that is in between will be spent learning to to cut the audio and allow for it to flow with each other in a proper manner.

From the audio (03/05/2018): One of the most interesting things that I think I could implement into my project is the inclusion of audio that comes before introducing each segment. It flowed so well together and I can only hope that I will have that kind of flow in my project.


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