
SSR #3

Ryan Um Due Date: 03-14-2018 Professor Brooks English 320 SSR #3: The Sound of Mood-sic Summary: One thing that Cheng emphasises in his recollection of blowing up the fictional town of Megaton is the music that he was listening to when he pressed the button to blow up the town. The Sousa march he was listening to had compelled him to press the button that was in front of him (47). And music, in this sense, does affect our mood and how we do certain actions. It’s astounding to look at the many different ways that music can affect us and the actions that we take to comply with the tone of the song. Synthesis: The utilization of music seems to be evolving every day. It can be used to adjust mood, provide comfort, and even make political statements. One use that people do not really think of is the utilization of music as a weapon. In the Auditory Culture Reader , Suzanne Cusick goes into detail on how this has been done. It seems like music was utilized in a manner th...

Webs Are Cool Here is One Now

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SSR #2

Ryan Um Due Date: 02-19-2018 Professor Brooks English 320 SSR #2: Discrimination of Sound Summary: In the second chapter of Radio and the Gendered Soundscape , Christine Ehrick states that Radio Femenina’s owners were “more interested in capturing women as consumers rather than shaping them into political beings.” (Ehrick, 71) With women being less represented in the radio, it was hard for women to even get their opinions heard and it was common practice to have minorities in these positions to fill a minority position. The fact that the producers were not concerned at all with the representation and rather the demographic that the women would appeal to speaks volumes about the mindset of these individuals and it seems like history is doomed to repeat that mistake over and over again. Their representation, while important to the industry, was used as an appeal to women and lacked the authenticity of radio programs that decided not to focus solely on appeal. Synthesi...

Questions: 03/28/2018

1. Technically all the molecules in the world are consistantly vibrating. All touch and movement vibrates the molecules around a person and can even produce sounds that can effect the the soundscape that you create, especially if it is a sound you recognize. 2. One time I burned something in the microwave and the burning smell consumed my house so that all we could smell was the burning. When we left our house, our sense of smell got heightened and it was a major breath of fresh air. We could smell so many more things because we weren't suffocated.

Questions: 03/26/2018

•Helen Wilson notes that voices do not just transfer information. Voices also “make” spaces by contributing volume, intonation, frequency, pitch and accent as a nexus point for identity and socio-political conditions. Additionally, these voices or “vocal utterances offer their own auditory geography. What voices have stood out to you and why? (Think cultural/political/historical influence) •What does it mean to  listen through place  and not just to it? •Consider a cause related to social justice that could be approached through sound. What would you do? How would you capture the sound? How would the sound contribute to the cause or issue you selected? One universal sound that I think pepole can think of is medication commercials. After every one of these commercials, there is a slew of information and disclaimers about defects that can occur when taking this medication. This brings senses of discomfort to me and unkowningness. Reminds me specifically of just sittin...

Sound Memoir - Church

One thing that always hinders my ability to make plans with others is that most of my nights are already reserved for church and worship. Tuesday is bible study for my church, Wednesday is bible study for school, Thursday is christian club day, Friday is college fellowship, and all of Sunday is reserved for church activities. It’s a wonder at all how I can even get my homework done throughout the week. This was the main reason that I decided to focus on this for my sound memoir project. It’s a bit disjointed because I go to several events throughout the week. I took all the events that I go to and created an amalgam of a night so that I could convey the most important aspects of my college life. Ensuring that no part was more important than the other and conveying the theme of “an average day of church” according to my life. I ensured that my project would be different by displaying what my thought process is when I go through these activities. I did not just want to focus ...