
Showing posts from March, 2018

Questions: 03/26/2018

•Helen Wilson notes that voices do not just transfer information. Voices also “make” spaces by contributing volume, intonation, frequency, pitch and accent as a nexus point for identity and socio-political conditions. Additionally, these voices or “vocal utterances offer their own auditory geography. What voices have stood out to you and why? (Think cultural/political/historical influence) •What does it mean to  listen through place  and not just to it? •Consider a cause related to social justice that could be approached through sound. What would you do? How would you capture the sound? How would the sound contribute to the cause or issue you selected? One universal sound that I think pepole can think of is medication commercials. After every one of these commercials, there is a slew of information and disclaimers about defects that can occur when taking this medication. This brings senses of discomfort to me and unkowningness. Reminds me specifically of just sitting in my r

Sound Memoir - Church

One thing that always hinders my ability to make plans with others is that most of my nights are already reserved for church and worship. Tuesday is bible study for my church, Wednesday is bible study for school, Thursday is christian club day, Friday is college fellowship, and all of Sunday is reserved for church activities. It’s a wonder at all how I can even get my homework done throughout the week. This was the main reason that I decided to focus on this for my sound memoir project. It’s a bit disjointed because I go to several events throughout the week. I took all the events that I go to and created an amalgam of a night so that I could convey the most important aspects of my college life. Ensuring that no part was more important than the other and conveying the theme of “an average day of church” according to my life. I ensured that my project would be different by displaying what my thought process is when I go through these activities. I did not just want to focus